Apply to an educational program

Apply to an educational program

Itä-Hämeen opisto

Go to bottom of this page to apply to high school.

In addition to high school, opisto also organizes short courses at civic college and folk college.
You can see courses organized by civic college from this link: Civic colleges courses
and folk colleges short courses from this link: Folk college's short courses

Hae opintolinjoille vihreistä +-painikkeista ja sen jälkeen siirry ostoskoriin oikeassa yläkulmassa.

Courses offered by folk college:

Itä-Hämeen opisto - lukio

In Itä-Hämeen opisto's you can complete high school and get secondary school graduate diploma.

To apply press the green +-button and move to cart.

Trainings organized by the high school:

SelectName of the courseStarting dateHigh school's address
Select Aikuislukiokoulutus Jatkuva haku Kaikulantie 90 , 19600 HARTOLA